Skepticism is a barren coast, without a harbor or lighthouse.” – Henry Ward Beecher 

Mission Statement

Lighthouse Keeper Media strives to provide intellectual, digestible, and humanizing content that not only educates, but engages the listener below the surface.

Our Purpose

As a multi-media platform, we are a vital tool in educating, empowering, enriching, and entertaining our audience. LHKM will serve as a safe harbor from the status quo and safeguard our community from “group think.”

Problem Three-Fold

1.    Quality information for West Texans is lacking. Residents need reliable, up-to-date, and relevant information on community issues to inform their decisions and actions. This current inadequacy hinders our citizens’ ability to navigate community decision-making and build a thriving, responsible life in West Texas.
2.     When West Texans are presented information, it is often prepackaged for selling a predetermined plan developed without input from most taxpayers. Additionally, when available, these “marketing plans” are filled with complex, technical jargon. this disconnect between communication styles results in residents becoming disinterested, disheartened, and disengaged in community processes and decisions.
3.     Information regarding important community issues is presented with limited time for citizens to ask necessary questions and actively engage in the decision-making process. This strategy purposefully smothers the proposal or viability of alternative options and closes avenues for dialogue. West Texans are left feeling the “game is rigged” and even more disconnected from community processes.

The Solution 

At Lighthouse Keeper Media, two of our guiding principles are “One Citizen, One Vote” and “Keep It Simple Stupid.” In an information- and technology-driven world, we are focusing on the fundamentals. We believe that partaking in challenging conversations and engaging with others is a fundamental part of our system of government. Our online platform simplifies and enhances citizen communication and access to needed information. We will create opportunities for civic engagement that inspires, educates, questions, guides, and drives our citizens to thrive in the little patch of dirt we all know and love – West Texas.

“Skepticism is a barren coast, without a harbor or lighthouse.”– Henry Ward Beecher